It’s with great regret that KP Events announce that this year’s Solihull Half Marathon on Sunday April 5th has been cancelled.
Since the event first took place in 2016, numbers participating have been falling steadily and event costs, notably for increasing use of traffic management systems to ensure a safe environment for runners, have risen steeply.
This year we have reached a position where the commercial viability of the event is such that we have no choice but to cancel the event and ensure we can contact all event partners, suppliers and participants with sufficient time to consider alternative arrangements.
KP Events will transfer all runner registrations to the Lichfield Half Marathon on Sunday May 10th this year.
Anyone who has already entered the Lichfield Half Marathon or would like a refund should contact Race Director Paul Griffin at paul@kpevents.net.
KP Events is also in active discussions with Solihull Leisure Services and Blythe Valley Business Park to organise another running event in the Borough in 2021.
The preferred option is to offer a traffic-free event either off-road or utilising the excellent parks that are in the Borough.
KP Events policy going forward is to concentrate on its portfolio of established existing on road events and look at only off-road new events.
We apologise wholeheartedly to our loyal KP Events customers and partners for having to take this action.
KP Events will continue to offer running events that you want to take part in.